Define The Term Change And State One Negative Changes You May Encounter As A Student Or As An Employee In The Future

Define the term change and state one negative changes you may encounter as a student or as an employee in the future


Change is something the is turning into anther thing. It is also an act of being different. It is inevitable and it always happen.

Changes can vary into two kinds: negative and positive

Negative change that I can encounter as a student:

Losing interest - this is a negative change I can encounter as a student because this can be the root of further changes. When I start to lose interest in studying, I wont be able to focus more on it. My vices would increase and my priorities will change, too. When all of that happens, I may not keep track on what I have started in my education.

Negative change that I can encounter as an employee:

Losing passion - the secret to being a good employee is to become passionate in everything that you do. If you love your job, it will not be considered as a job but a hobby. Losing passion as an employee may affect your outputs. Your boss might get disappointed, and worse, you might lose your job.

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Other form/kind of change


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